Our Story

Welcome to the Wishes Tea Company. Our mission is to connect people with the stories they love through tea.

We are a small business, you might even call us a micro business, based in Seattle, WA but we are dedicated to providing you both quality customer service and, most importantly, teas that taste absolutely amazing.

We are a brother and sister duo, Sean and Lauren Mobley. Sean brings his tea knowledge to the table, while Lauren brings the dog inspiration to us every day.

Of course, there’s also our mascot Granger.

She looks cute while we do all the work.

Founded in 2019, our first line of “storytelling” tea blends is called “Leaf & Leash,” tea blends inspired by dog breeds. With each blend we attempted to capture the personality of a dog breed or pay homage to a specific dog or region of the world the breed originated from.

In summer 2019 we completed a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund the Leaf & Leash line.

We could not have gotten to this point without our amazing Backers. We are including a thank you page to our backers here on our Our Story page because we truly believe they are part of our story. Together we made this wish come true.

Thank You:

Meghan Warner
Esther and Chelsea
Misha & Sasha Hansuvadha
Erin Skoog
Carol Kim
Scott and Annie Greene
Glotter Tots
Mary Compton
Mac & Christina Buff
Mak Meurer
Clare + Ida
Reijo-Kalevi Chen + Garrison Copeland
Cori K
Allison Buchholtz-Au
Tori Dennis
Karen Nelson
Tori Ross
Sean Grande
Keely Cooper
Theresa Bender
K. Ripley
Eric Fuller
Scott Zell
Tilly Bevans-Duran
Scott and Monique Mobley
Anonymous (6)