Yorkshire Terrier Garden White Tea


This peachy, delicate white tea blend evokes the fruits you might find in a garden in the Yorkie’s homeland of Yorkshire, England.

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SKU: LL - YGW - 001 Category:


$1 from every pouch purchased is donated to Old Dog Haven, a Washington State non-profit shelter for abandoned senior dogs. Learn more about their work here.

The lands of Yorkshire, the home of the Yorkshire Terrier, are known for many things among which are gardens. Perhaps the most famous English garden, the fictional “secret garden” found by Mary Lennox, was in Yorkshire. The soft, floral note of this gentle white tea bring to mind memories of strolling through a classic English garden; manicured lawns, carefully cut hedges, symmetry in design, a fountain sprinkling water into a pool. White tea is already the most delicate of the teas, requiring a lower steeping temperature to avoid “burning” the leaves, and the fruity flavors accompany this soft flavor perfectly. Just the thing to sip with your Yorkie perched on your lap.

Yorkshire Terrier Garden White Tea
 White tea, dried mango, ginger, freeze-dried mango, cornflower petals, natural flavors
Caffeine: No
Recommended Brewing: Steep one teaspoon per one cup serving for 1.5 minutes at 185 F (85 C)

Additional information

Weight 1.1 oz